Monday, January 17, 2011

Margao - Colva

14.1.2011 Margao – Colva

After nice siesta in the Boomerang bar on Colva beach we headed back to the main street. We had found out that there is one place where we could finally get the mobile broadband. Naturally it was not that easy… Salesman from the neighbor shack shop went and woke up our “IT specialist” from his flat behind the internet café (where you can only buy water and soda). As Ville ( had extra photos with him we cut corners and took a prepaid sim card for me with his details, photo and passport copy. And finally the long waited mobile internet (Tata Photon) with same procedures than with the sim (Airtel), and required seven signaturesJ We reached our hotel just before the dark after 6PM just to notice that the connection didn’t work there at all. 

Next day success at the Majorda beach (my new tourist's office) and first Skype call to my lovely family back in Finland! 


Hotel’s general manager took us to a sightseeing trip to Varna village which is located approximately 7 kilometers from Utorda. We drove past beautiful villas and a big lake to reach a spring famous among locals. We jumped over rocks to reach a small waterfall where we dipped our feet to the water in order to get an Indian pedicure (small fishes will eat the dead skin from your feet). This was a very pleasant if somewhat tickling experience.

On our way back we stopped for some snacks and drinks with our friend. We ended up buying two liters of “ale”; local ginger liquor brewed at the restaurant. This drink is said to be good for digestion and joints, and warms you up quickly on cold winter nights. It also goes to your head quickly…

In the evening we had dinner in Zeebob, a fish restaurant recommended in the Lonely Planet guide book. I have to agree that the food was extremely good but expensive.  And the personnel kept swiping the sand smooth every time someone stepped on it. I couldn’t really see any point in that as I wasn’t trying to escape anyone by hiding my tracks…

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